Film House Germany AG

The best films, financed with a plan
- 2011
Film House Germany AG, a media society with headquarters in Berlin, develops, finances, produces and co-produces films for a German-speaking and international audience. With creative passion and entrepreneurial acumen, Film House has become one of the most exciting and dynamic media and entertainment companies in Europe. The productions consist of commercial material – primarily in English – that engage a global audience with captivating and exciting stories.
Film House Germany, in collaboration with the two independently operating subsidiaries Summerstorm Entertainment and Egoli Tossell Film, holds claim to an impressive production output. Among others, the group’s films include Michael Hoffman‘s THE LAST STATION, which received Oscar, Golden Globe and Independent Spirit Award nominations, Olivier Assayas’ Golden Globe winner CARLOS – THE JACKAL and Paul Verhoeven’s BLACK BOOK.
Film House Germany was founded in 2011 by Christian Angermayer. Egoli Tossell Film and Summerstorm Entertainment GmbH were integrated into the group in the same year. Klemens Hallmann is the core shareholder and member of the board of directors.